The Fam

The Fam
Family Photos Fall 2015

Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 4: A song that calms you down

I read the title of this day and I thought "What song calms me down?".  Nothing came to me.  I asked my wife "What song calms me down?' she said "Your never calm. You use music to go the other way."  It is true when I want to slow things down around the house I turn the music off.  If the song is going to slow I advance to the next one.

I did make a commitment to do this blog challenge thing so I dug deeper into the recesses of my soul.  When I was younger I used to try to sleep with the radio on so when it would go off in the morning as an alarm clock I could sleep through it.  A brilliant plan I know. Even now when I travel on airplanes I get my seat put on my sunglasses and headphones turn on some music and fall asleep.  Growing up in a family with 8 kids the ability to sleep through noise has been a real blessing.  It is something that has served me my entire life.

I had a tape I went to sleep with it playing.  I would start it at the beginning of whatever side did not need rewinding.  Here are the first songs one if from side A the other is from side B.  Who does not love a little FYC and Men without Hats.

Side A

Side B

Dedra's Blog

Ginas Blog

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