The Fam

The Fam
Family Photos Fall 2015

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I have finally started to drink the cool-aid.

After getting regular emails from my sisters to read their blogs.  That usually go something like "you have to read my blog tommorrow it is going to be about you" I thought I should jump on the blog bandwagon.  It has taken me the better part of a week to set this thing up.  And from looking around at other blogs with all their whistles and bells I dont believe I have even scratched the surface. 

My kids really make life worth living and they also provide me with a regular stream of conversation topics.  We have been really good over the years at taking photos.  We have 3-4 digital cameras floating around the house that they use freely.  We quite literally have their lives recorded on almost a weekly basis from the time they were born until now.  However the back story and the events surrounding the photos are often times missing or become a point of debate as we try to remember where we were or shy we took the photo.  The purpose of this blog is going to be to give me a place to record the things my kids do. 

Lets take yesteday for example I got home from work at 3:30 and the there were blankets with dirty dishes on them in the yard that were the clear remains from a picnic.  The weather has been nice so this is not an unusual scene.  They are all willing to eat and play outside but take some prompting to go out and clean up the mess.  When I asked about the mess I was told they were having a vigil of sorts.  They were eating outside waiting for Reganns rabbit to have babies.  I mean when you are in labor who would not want a picnic going on in the delivery room in your honor.  This logic made perfect sence to me.  I vividly remember going out for snacks while Rhonda was in labor with Mayson.  We had been there for hours and I was hungry.  So her sister and I went to Jack in the Box.  We came back and ate it in the room so she would not be alone.  And we were sensative to her needs of not being able to eat so we did not offer her anything.  Funny thing though it has been over 12 years since that happened and she is still mad over it.  Who new?  I guess it is the little things in life that make it worth while.

So there it is my very first blog post.


  1. Woot!! First commenter on your first blog post!

    I'm VERY excited about this blog. It will give me fuel for my blog. muhahaha.

  2. I never thought I'd see the day. I think it's a great way to keep track of all the madness that happens around here. Good work. (Oh, and because I'm your wife, I won't correct your spelling, but Kool-aid, starts with a "K") :)

  3. So, that last comment was from me, but apparently I was logged in as you... The Wife


If you have been inspired by the words of brilliance or the creative spelling let me know and leave a comment, that is when it gets fun for us writing this thing is getting your feedback.